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Madagascar Prefabricated Drains and Soil Stabilisation Methods

  A significant difference between prefabricated drains and conventional pipe drains is their structure. Prefabricated drains usually have a plastic core, a filter sleeve, and a system of vertical channels. In contrast, pipes are usually made of a single material. The width of the Colbond drain is substantially larger and its permeability boundary is lower than that of a conventional pipe drain. Prefabricated drains in Madagascar were first introduced to geotechnical engineering in the early 1930s. The first one on the market was the Kjeilman card'board wick, which consisted of two cardboard strips with ten longitudinal grooves. It was installed using a special machine. Prefabricated drains are very efficient and can speed up the consolidation process. Prefabricated drains are often used in soft ground improvement projects. They contain a plastic core and geotextile that acts as a filter. They are available in a variety of sizes and are designed for specific conditions